Ganduri si discutii despre tippleri_Gedanken und Meinungen zu Flugtippler
De ceva vreme observ discutii foarte aprinse intre tippleristi cu pasari de marathon si cei de inaltime. Foarte multi ma intreaba “cum zboara tippleri tai?” Raspunsul meu la aceasta intrebare este: “primele 4-5 ore zboara in puncte, dar nu fac disparitie, dupa care in restul timpului de zbor, zboara sus-jos ca un lift. Ei nu prea zboara in lungime la inaltime medie, doar cand sunt fugariti de soim sau alte pasari predatoare I-am selectat sa zboare intodeauna intr-o raza de 65° in jurul porumbarului si cat mai sus. Un indicator ptr. cum se pot clasifica tipplerii este o metoda care ma invatat J.Prescott. Se ia o jumatate de foaie DIN A4 de hartie alba, pe care se fac niste puncte de ca. 1 mm diametru. Aceasta foaie se tine deasupra capului si se obsearva in ce raport cu punctele de pe foaie, zboara tippleri. Daca se vad ca punctele respective, atunci cu siguranta sunt zburatori de inaltime; daca nu, sunt marathonisti. In timpul zborului bineinteles vor varia inaltimile. Cei mai buni sunt intodeauna cei care zboara cel mai mult. Deseori sunt acei care zboara la inaltime media cu un zbor lent si se plimba in stinga si in dreapta, chiar daca acestia sunt in jur de o ora disparuti. Tippleri sunt notorici sa zboare departe de crescatorie, chair daca numai ptr. scurt timp. De indicat ar fi o supraveghere extrem de mobila, tip camcorder cu un unghi/spectru foarte larg. Experienta si o educatie severa este cel mai bun lucru disponibil si nici nu costa asa o gramada de bani. Dar cine poate ghici intodeauna daca tippleri nu isi au proprile naravuri? That’s the million $ question ! Iti trebuie o experienta profunda ca sa fi apt sa “citesti” daca un stol de tippleri are puterea sa zboare 14 ore + X ================================= Working Tipplers are more of a liability than an asset unless they are properly trained from an early age. No man can train more than a few at a time. A kit of Tipplers must essentially be small in number. The minimum is 3 and in my opinion it is folly to fly more than 5. The size of a kit is directly proportional to the range of the flight. The longer the ranges of a kit the more likely it is to fly long times. There are no Tipplers that fly long times when they fly within sight of the loft all of the time. Tipplers are intended for time. High flying or low flying is of no consequence. High flying does not necessarily mean longer times. Some of the best highflying pigeons done't exceed one hour. Contests in the UK have been won with kits that do not fly very high. Anyway, excessive high flying can so easily end in a disaster, as they are prone to become disorientated and completely lost. Furthermore, they are a great attraction to the Peregrine Falcons. I always worry when I find that my kit gets up to excessive altitudes estimated at one mile high or more and looking like the tiniest specks. A lot of losses have happened when pigeons have flown to this altitude and Tippler kits have been disqualified due to the fact that they were unobservable. The control and discipline of Tipplers requires time and expertise and there are no mass production techniques. Any man who tries to train more than 10 at a time is creating too much of a problem. When I see that some man has ordered 100 rings I see only squander. His mass production will yield a lot of birds that are not trained properly. The sales of such become a financial enterprise but what are these men selling? Untrained specimens of good pedigree and that is all. Genetically speaking all working livestock should have had withstood the strain of training before being qualified for the breeding loft. There are no cull free strains of Tipplers and if we breed from failures or unproven stock I can see nothing but failure. Why fill lofts with "Plugs"? They just eat the feed and muck the place up - That is all.
da intradevar, motoda ar putea fi aplicata la mai toate rasele de zbor de inaltime. Poate asa s-ar putea evita discutiile priviind licaria porumbeilor.
sunt deacord cu afirmatiile de mai sus este foarte important ca ei sa tina legatura cu voliera,acest tip de zbor este indispensabil in zborul pe intuneric!
da si rapitoarele au de spus un cuvant in pasiunea noastra, din pacate in ultimi ani fenomenul a luat amploare , nu cred ca mai sunt pe cale de disparitie , totusi ii admir cat de abili si inteligenti sunt.
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